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    THANKS FOR YOU REFERRAL! At this time we are crafting a new referral program - stay tuned for details. But we still appreciate you referring agents to LATEAM LLC. CLICK HERE FOR THE AGENT REFERRAL FORM
  • What does LATEAM LLC do?
    We act as a support company for who wish to provide call center support as a remote contracted agent. Our business partners provides both the client programs needing call center support and some of the additional technology needed to function as a remote contracted agent. Put simply our job is to -TAKE GOOD CARE OF OUR PARTNERS CLIENTS!" Our agents are independent contractors (self-employed) All agents receive a 1099 for tax reporting. Apply now!
  • Why should I choose LATEAM LLC as my support company?
    LATEAM LLC has been a leader in this industry since 2012 and have earned the prestigious status as a PREMIER SERVICE PARTNER !!!! This is the highest status a service partner can have. It means we operate honestly, ethically, with transparency and have had NOT ONE SINGLE complaint filed against our company. We are one of the largest companies in the network with over 2700 contractors. We have an A+ Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating since being evaluated by this trustworthy agency. We are proud to offer a legitmate opportunity to those wishing to become self-employed but without the legal hassles. Just a few perks of partnering with our company: ~ Dedicated liaison team to provide quick resolution or response ~ We pay exactly what the client pays less our fee and we provide detailed invoice payment summaries and tax reporting documents ~ We care about contractors! Your success is ours too! Apply now!
  • Will LATEAM LLC verify my employment if needed?
    Agents are not employees to LATEAM LLC, or Arise or their clients that use the Arise Outsource services. As an agent you will provide services to various clients through the Arise® platform on an independent contractor basis. You should NOT, at any time, represent to anyone that you are an employee of either LATEAM LLC or Arise or any clients. This includes listing LATEAM LLC as your “employer” on loan applications and government forms. Please do not ask lenders or other parties to call LATEAM LLC to verify your income or financial status becausewe will not be able to provide this information. Agents would use the following to document income or work status: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT STATEMENT OF WORK INVOICE PAYMENT SUMMARIES 1099 NEC FORMS
  • Why do I need to register with your Partner - Arise?
    In short, upon registering you now have access to the both the clients that need our call center support and the technology which allows us to "simply log in" to work. Arise recommends our Virutal Call Center as one of their Premier Partners. Our company ID is 54438! APPLY NOW!
  • What types of clients can I provide call center service to?
    Please visit our Clients page to see just a sampling of the industries we support.
  • I am still not sure what this is all about, can you break it down further?"
    Sure - click here to see >>>>> HOW IT WORKS! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR ONE OF OUR INFO SESSIONS! In a nutshell: Arise Virtual Solutions our business partner - contracts with US Based Companies that need outsource call center support. LATEAM LLC is a Premier Business Partner to Arise to provide the actual phone, chat or email support via our network of home based agents. The Home Based Agent (YOU) is contracted with LATEAM LLC to provide the phone/email/chat support needed by the Client. APPLY NOW!
  • What is the Agent Dashboard?
    This is a members only area of our website. It contains additional resources for contracted agents with LATEAM LLC. Some of the things you can do on our Dashboard: Verify the revenue offered by a client Report tech issues that need escalated Refer an Agent Join a Learning Session offered by LATEAM LLC And much More Once you have signed your ICA with us you can be permitted access to this useful resource. APPLY NOW
  • How do I sign up for the Agent Dashboard?
    Easy just click to the right Agent Dasboard and request access. APPLY NOW
    No but our business partners have negotiated affordable rates to our agents as an independent contractor. Once you have fully onboarded you are provided more details. Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance programs are made available to our agents.
  • Why do I need to become certified before providing services?
    Simply put, you have to know a few things before you qualify to manage a client customer call, chat or email. Learners will gain the needed knowledge related to the client, their system and applications used, policy and procedure, call types, and how to be successful. There are no costs for training courses! The only expense for Agents is the $30 Background Check Fee! APPLY NOW!
  • How much are the client certification courses?
    ALL CLIENT COURSES ARE FREE!!!! First time enrollments may be subject to the Background Check Fee of $30 but if you have enrolled in a prior course within the last 36 months of the new enrollment there is no further charge.
  • How long are the classes?
    Classes vary in length for each client. Some are 8-10 days in length while others are 2-5 weeks in length including Live Calls. LIVE CALLS mean you are now in the "paid training" portion of your learning experience. You are now earning service revenue for all live call time. The classes are either 3-6 hours a day with an instructor with self-paced learning content done on your own time before the next class session. Everything is virtual. Please visit our equipment page if you need to purchase a USB headset for your virtual learning experience. APPLY NOW!
  • Do I get paid during certification?
    Yes and No. All instructor led portions; practice; role-play (including Mock Calls); and self-paced learning is unpaid time. Once you enter the Live Call portion of certification you will be earning service revenue for any service time while completing Live Calls. APPLY NOW!
  • Will I need additional certification?
    Some clients do require either "continuing education or upskills sessions". These sessions are usually abbreviated and often offered as self-paced learning. The good news is these are offered at no additonal cost to you. If the additional training requires classtime you are paid for this time. APPLY NOW!
  • What contractor fees am I responsible for as your Agent?
    We have a flat fee approach Arise charges LATEAM LLC a fee of $19.75 per active (working) agent so our fee includes this: Revenue of $299.99 or less = $30 Fee per invoice payment Revenue of $300 or more = $40 Fee per invoice payment SO THE BOTTOM LINE -- YOU WILL SEE ONE DEDUCTION OF EITHER $30 OR $40 FROM EACH INVOICE PAYMENT BASED ON THE GROSS AMOUNT OF PAYMENT. Contractor fees ONLY apply if you are receiving an invoice payment - if an agent has no revenue for an invoice period there is no fee assessed. These fees are also able to be deducted from your Taxes as a cost of doing business as a contractor. APPLY NOW!
  • Are there any other fees?
    No more fees! You may have expenses associated with your home office and the services you need to provide your call center services! APPLY NOW!
    SHORT ANSWER - No! LONG ANSWER- NO - we only deduct our one fee of either $30 or $40 based on the gross. Otherwise whatever our agents earn they receive less our fee. As a bonus answer - we also do not modify the revenue offered by a client. In other, words if the client offers $15/hour that is what our agent is paid less our applicable fee.
  • I have completed your company application what next?
    Please return to our APPLY page and complete all 3 steps! CLICK HERE
  • What is a NDA and Waiver Agreement?
    NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement - by signing you agree not to disclose propriatory OR confidential information regarding Arise or their clients. Waiver Agreement - by signing you acknowledge that you are not an employee with Arise. Both are necessary to sign to register as our agent within the Arise system.
  • What are all the registration steps I need to complete?
    Please see our APPLY - CLICK HERE
  • Can I work from anywhere?
    All contracted agents need to be legal residents of the United States and must be 18 years or older. ANY TIME YOU ARE WORKING OR PROVIDING YOUR CALL CENTER SUPPORT IT MUST BE FROM WITHIN THE UNITED STATES WITHIN AN APPROVED STATE (SEE LIST BELOW)! Using a VPN or Proxy to access work platforms from outside the US will subject your agent profile to suspension until you prove through a documentation process called a Security Audit that you are a legal US resident and that you are located within the US. This review can take months to be completed. Below is a list of states we are able to contract in: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia Wyoming If your state is not listed, we are not actively sourcing from that state right now, this includes the District of Columbia. Additionally, our Agent Opportunities are not available in US territories, including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. APPLY NOW!
    Virtual Call Centers can be a breeding ground for all types of FRAUD including indentity fraud. So please be prepared to provide the following to be contracted with our company: SECURITY COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS MAY INCLUDE: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT W9 COPY OF FRONT AND BACK OF DRIVERS LICENSE OR STATE ID AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATION
  • What type of call center support is needed?
    Primarily Sales, Customer Service and Tech Support via Inbound Calls! But our contractors also provide data entry, email and chat support. Some of our high performing contractors have even been granted contracts for an expanded role such as Escalation support; Chat room Monitors; Quality Coaches and other leadership roles. LATEAM LLC provides ongoing support to ensure that all of our contractors have such opportunities! APPLY NOW!
  • Am I required to sign a contract?
    Yes, this is for your protection and ours. It is a basic non-binding Independent Contract Agreement. Non-Binding means you can separate* from our company whenever you choose. *Please note - if a contractor is active with a client we do require you complete the duration of your Statement of Work (SOW) before separating. A Statement of Work is a specific contract related to the scope and length of your assignment with a client program. They are usually written for 90-120 days and renew if your performance remains acceptable* CHECK OUT OUR AGENT DASHBOARD!
  • What investment should I plan on with this opportunity?
    Our contractors should ensure they have their home office well appointed with all workstation requirements. (see above FAQ- WORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS) There are no cost for the certification classes but agents MAY be responsible for a client requested background check currently priced at $30. It only needs repeated every 3 years. APPLY NOW!
  • Can I work outside of my partnership with LATEAM LLC?
    Yes, you certainly can! APPLY NOW!
  • Is a background check or drug screening required?
    Short Answer is Yes!!! ALL of our clients require a criminal background check and some of our clients also require a drug screening. The First Client Certification Course Enrollment made does require the agent paying for the Background Check which is $30! This background check detail will stay on the Agent Profile for 36 Months Any new enrollments after the 36 months will require a new background check with the fee of $30! APPLY NOW!
  • I already have an CSP (or Agent) Profile with the Arise Platform (our business parnter) how can I join your call center company (IBO)?
    If you are a NEW CSP (Agent) - enter our IBO ID 54438 where requested. We acknowledge all requests promptly. (see guide below) If you are transitioning from a different call center company please see the FAQ "Transitioning Agents" - you will need to be released from your present company before joining LATEAM LLC. Email us with any questions or concerns: Click here
    Our primary business partner is Arise Virtual Solutions. They provide over 30 clients that need our Agent Call Center Support. To learn more about these opportunities and how to become an agent working on one of our Arise Client Programs please register for our Info Session on our Events Page. Our agents handle inbound calls, chats or emails providing basic call center support for a sales, customer service or tech support call. Most of our Arise clients offer both Full and Part Time hours and many offer performance based incentives on top of your base pay.
  • ACD
    Another out-source business partner to which we provide call center support services. This is great for agents looking for gig type work that is mostly part-time (on occasions FT hours are available) and even on demand work - meaning you do not have to be scheduled to log in and work. Starting pay averages $15/hour. During peak times there may be additional incentives offered. To learn more about this opportunity please attend a brief info session - click here! ****PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT ASSOCIATED IN ANYWAY WITH OUR OTHER BUSINESS CLIENT ARISE VIRTUAL SOLUTIONS. THE ONLY COMMONALITY IS WE DO BUSINESS WITH BOTH.
  • What are typical earnings as your Agent?
    Good question! Average earnings are $13-$15 plus performance incentives! It depends on the client you choose, how many service hours you provide and how well you perform or deliver your service! Higher performing agents will earn performance incentives on top of their base revenue. Client pay starts from $10/hour (for most sales job which would also include incentives) up to $17/hour. We have agents that work 10-15 hours a week up to 40+ a week! Invoice payments can be from $250 up to $1800 twice a month! APPLY NOW!
  • Where can I found what each client pays in service revenue?
    GREAT Question. On our Agent DASHBOARD. Only contracted agents with our company are provided access! APPLY NOW!
  • Are there ways to earn bonuses or incentives on top of the base rate?
    Most client programs do offer a performance based incentive. This is usually dependent on various metrics such as schedule adherence and/or other key metrics. Each client is different so the qualifying metrics to earn bonuses or incentives will be different also. These are shared in the Opportunity Announcement for each client which is available for review when a client is offering a certification course for their program. To learn more about this we strongly encourage you to register for our INFO and Q&A Session hosted weekly several times to gain more insight as well.
  • How often are Agents paid?
    We make invoice payments to our agents as follows: 15th and Last Day of each month. If either fall on a holiday or weekend invoice payments are issued the business day prior! Payments are delivered either by Direct Deposit or Good Old Paper Check via snail mail oops we mean US Mail. APPLY NOW!
  • When do we start earning revenue?
    Once you begin Live Calls within your client certification course you will begin to earn revenue and receive an invoice payment shortly thereafter. See our Certification FAQ's for more detail. APPLY NOW!
  • How many hours do I have to work or can I work?
    Most part time agents average 10-20 service hours. You can certainly work more if there are available hours and you wish to. Full time agents typically work 30 plus service hours. The availability of service hours vary by client and by the week based on call volume forcast. The scheduling tool used will provide more insight on the forecast and how many service hours can be scheduled. Each contractor can determine how many (or little) service hours they provide weekly since you are acting as a self-employed or independent contractor. APPLY NOW!
  • How do breaks, lunches and vacations work?
    GOOD QUESTION! Service schedules are managed by the agent. So you would be able to allocate time for any needs such as breaks and lunches. When you are ready to take some time off just notify LATEAM LLC with your dates and we will do the rest. APPLY NOW!
  • Do you have to provide service a certain amount of hours each day?
    Man you have your thinking cap on today! No you do not. What you choose to service each day is up to you! Please note: Some clients may have weekend requirements to have sufficient coverage for heavy call volume. APPLY NOW!
  • Am I responsible for my own taxes?
    Yes. As a independent contractor or self-employed you will receive a 1099 NEC from us for each year you had earnings of $600 or more. We suggest you consult a tax expert if you are unsure how to properly file your taxes using a 1099. APPLY NOW!
  • How much tax would I expect to pay each year?
    This would depend on many variables. Your best option is to speak with a tax expert who can guide you on estimating your taxes even paying them quarterly if you so choose. APPLY NOW!
  • I want to transfer from my current call center company to LATEAM LLC - How?
    We suggest contacting your current Service Partner Company and requesting you be dropped or released as their agent. The following will happen once they release you: Any pending or finalized enrolllments are voided Any Active SOW's are voided Any Intervals selected in StarMatic are cleared/removed Any pending client upskills are voided Don't worry as soon as you are finalized as our agent we can restore all of the above in most cases if the transition from one company to the other is done concurrently. This means very little down time should occur from you when you are released and when you request to join our company - Our Company ID is 54438! If you have any difficulty with this step please email us. 😀
  • What happens to my enrollment upon the transition from my current company to LATEAM LLC?
    Good question! Upon transition to our company roster you will show as dropped. NO WORRIES THOUGH! We immediately get that corrected and your status as enrolled in restored.
  • What happens to an active SOW I have with my current company upon transition?
    Another Good Question! Your SOW will be automatically voided since it was written between your current call center company and Arise. Once you are on our company roster we have your SOW restored. This usually takes a day or two. (this does not include weekends or holidays) PLEASE NOTE: Any scheduled intervals will be removed with the transition and you will have to log into Starmatic once your SOW is reinstated and schedule NEW intervals as they are available.
  • How is revenue earned prior to the transition managed?
    You're on a roll with good questions! Any revenue earned up to the date you transitioned will be paid to you by your former call center company per their policy. Any revenue earned from the reinstatement date of your SOW under LATEAM LLC and moving forward will be paid by LATEAM LLC per our policy. PLEASE SEE REVENUE FAQ'S FOR DETAILS ON INVOICE PAYMENT POLICIES.
  • This sounds too good to be true?
    We are the first to admit there are a lot of scams out there! So caution is needed. Our partner, Arise is recognized as an industry leader and has been featured on several national news segments including Good Morning America, Bloomberg, Fox News, CNN and the TODAY Show, just to name a few. Arise has also been recognized by the White House for leading virtual job creation in the U.S and have won many awards including Outstanding Minority Business of the Year, Business Intelligence Group’s 2013 Green Company of the Year and Call Center Magazine Product of the Year Award, just to name a few. They are A+ rated with BBB as is LATEAM LLC! To meet some of the LATEAM LLC staff and ask your questions live - please consider joining us for one of our INFO SESSIONS. Click Here to register for one! APPLY NOW!
  • Is LATEAM LLC BBB rated?
    Yes indeedy! LATEAM LLC holds a A+ rating with no complaints. BBB LINK APPLY NOW!
  • How do I get started? I'm ready to do this!
  • Can I refer interested ones?
    You betcha! REFERRAL FORM
  • Do I need a dedicated office?
    That is preferred but as long as you have a quiet distraction free space to call your office that will be perfect! ALL client calls are audited so if children, animals, other chatter, tv's, etc. can be heard an agent could loose their service contract immediately under the grounds of UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT! Thus a quiet distraction free background while performing contract services is required. APPLY NOW!
  • What kind of computer do I need?
    PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND REVEIW THE FULL WORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS located below! We suggest if you need a complete new system you shop with our preferred vendor - WAHES! APPLY NOW
  • Do I need High Speed Internet?
    Yes - Hard-wired Internet access is required. The use of wireless connections at any time is prohibited, even if the connection is encrypted. Additionally, Satellite, Microwave, and Cellular Hotspot Internet Services are not permitted. USB connected modems are not supported. APPLY NOW
  • Is upload, download and latency a factor?
    Yes! High Speed is recommended and agents are required to be Hard-wired (no wireless) Preferred 30 mbps download / Minimum 10 mbps upload - It is best to be hard wired and disable all of devices using the internet. Maximum Latency Threshold 120 milliseconds (ms) - Preferred is 50 milliseconds. Click here to do a speed test. Understanding your Speed Test: The internet speed test measures your connection's download speed, upload speed, and latency. The best internet connections have high download and upload speeds but low latency. Download speed is how fast information can transfer to you. It affects things like how long it takes to download large files or show pages with many pictures. Download speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Upload speed is how fast information can transfer from you. It affects things like how long it takes to post pictures to social media. Upload speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Latency measures how quickly you get a response from the server. Low response times are important for real-time apps, like video calls and online gaming. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). APPLY NOW
  • Monitor Suggestions
    Monitor Recommendations Dual monitors may be required on some client programs but not all. It is best in most situations to have at least one monitor 19" or larger. APPLY NOW
  • I have a MAC is that acceptable?
    UNFORTUNATELY NO - please review the basic requirements as last updated by our partner Arise. APPLY NOW




IBO ID #54438

2012-2025 LATEAM LLC

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LATEAM LLC is pleased to have you partner with us as an Independent Contractor or Small Business

**Please note LATEAM LLC does not offer employment rather an opportunity to perform call center services as an independent contractor with LATEAM LLC using  our partner technology platforms- our contractors are provided a 1099 NEC for each year they earn revenue from providing such services. 

This opportunity is only open to residents of the United States**

Copyright LATEAM LLC 2012-2025. All rights reserved.

Except where permitted by law, the material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of LATEAM LLC.

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